31 May 2017

Celebration Day 2017 Report

Over 80 supporters gathered at Didsbury in May to celebrate to work of Potter’s Village. A craft stall and “Guess the Weight of the Cake” competition helped to raise £400. Speakers included Debbie Drew, who showed how to make lovely, but inexpensive clothing and other items for the Potter’s Village children. As always, Sue and Mike Hughes’ presentation on the ups and downs of life at Potter’s village during the past year and looking forward to the future was the highlight.
Celebration Day 2017 Report

13 February 2017

Ugandan Masterchef!

Knock Presbyterian Church funded the building of a the demonstration kitchen for the Nutrition Unit. Last summer a group from the church visited Potter's Village and saw how the work was progressing. This is their story.
Ugandan Masterchef!

29 December 2016

Mike and Sue's new Blog

On their return to Uganda, Mike and Sue have started a new blog about life at Potter's Village.
Mike and Sue's new Blog

14 October 2016

Alternative Gifts Christmas Catalogue 2016

We have just published our Alternative Gifts catalogue for Christmas 2016. The Potters Village has identified gifts that will help save the lives of children in Kisoro. You simply choose a gift for a relative or friend and we'll send you one of our cards for you to give to them, explaining about their gift. We also have a range of Christmas cards available to order.
Alternative Gifts Christmas Catalogue 2016

10 May 2016

Hostel Appeal - 2016

Project: Potters Village is a Child Crisis & Medical Centre, offering a safe and secure environment for vulnerable babies and toddlers, many whom have been abandoned or their families are unable to look after them.
Hostel Appeal - 2016

25 February 2016

Potter's Village Celebration Day 23rd April

Everybody is welcome to join us for the Potter's Village Celebration day on Saturday 23rd April 2016. Come and join us to celebrate the work of Potter's Village.
Potter's Village Celebration Day 23rd April


The Potter’s Village exists to rescue babies who have no other chance of survival. Up to 20 babies can be given a home on the site. Babies will be given optimum provision to thrive with one-to-one care, within a family environment.

Potter's Village Address

P.O Box 252, Kisoro, S W Uganda.

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Make a Donation
Your kind donations help to meet the running costs of the Medical and Day centres in Kisoro.
Sponsor a Child
Sponsor a Child
Sponsoring a child helps towards the running costs for that child's individual needs.


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