3 August 2015
Nutrition Rehabilitation Unit (NRU)
This Unit has been developing over the last six months because of direct need seen within the community of Kisoro District. Nearly 35% of Uganda’s people are undernourished and it sits in the ‘High’ category on the World Food Programme’s hunger map. Over 30% of its children under the age of 5 are stunted, irrevocable effects of lack of food. Kisoro district has the highest figures for stunting and the most protein poor diets in Uganda.
Acutely malnourished children are admitted to the PV Medical Centre for critical treatment, once stable the children are transferred to the NRU for 1 month’s rehabilitation. During this month the child’s mother stays onsite to care for the child, learn how and what to feed, nutritional cooking techniques, playing and teaching their child and (as in this culture, women farm the land) crop growing and planting techniques.
The project is expanding rapildy and in six months has helped over 70 children and families. We are currently trying to raise money to fund this vital Unit. This Unit is estimated to cost £17,000 per year, and can save the lives of hundreds of children. It’s a small price for such reward.
The project is doing a great work for the community. It admitted a little girl called Comfort recently who is now three and half years old (though doesn’t look to be of that age). She came in when she was just 3.5kgs (~8lbs, healthy birth weight in the UK), suffering from severe diarrhoea and vomiting. Since treatment she has gained weight to 4.9kgs (~10lbs) and we hope her Mother learns good practices from the education programme they get every afternoon
If you would like to support this project, we are looking for both one off gifts and people to regularly donate. Please click here to visit our donate page and help children like Comfort. Thank you.